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الكنيسة البلغارية الخلقيدونية تؤكد أنها لن تشترك في أي صلاة مشتركة أو ليتورجية مع الكاتوليك

الكنيسة البلغارية الخلقيدونية تؤكد أنها لن تشترك في أي صلاة مشتركة أو ليتورجية مع الكاتوليك أثناء زيارة بابا روما لبلغاريا، و تؤكد على وجود استقبالات رسمية مع التأكيد على عدم تضمن الاستقبالات الرسمية أي صلوات مشتركة.
هذا الكلام حقيقي ومثبت واليكم نص الخبر باللغة الانجليزية ورابط الموقع الذي نشر الخبر 

Bulgarian Orthodox Church refuses to take part in any services during Pope Francis’s visit
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s governing body says that while a meeting between Patriarch Neofit and Pope Francis is possible during the Pope’s May 2019 visit to Bulgaria, the church will not participate in any joint services or prayers."

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church’s governing body says that while a meeting between Patriarch Neofit and Pope Francis is possible during the Pope’s May 2019 visit to Bulgaria, the church will not participate in any joint services or prayers.

The decision was announced by the governing body, the Holy Synod, on April 3.

The Holy Synod said that it had decided to write to Anselmo Guido Pecorari, the Apostolic Nuncio to Bulgaria, saying that because the invitation to Pope Francis to visit Bulgaria had come from the state authorities, it was appropriate for the main events related to the visit to be co-ordinated with them.

Patriarch Neofit and the members of the Holy Synod were prepared to receive Pope Francis for a meeting at the Holy Synod’s headquarters on May 5, as envisaged in the draft programme.

A visit to Alexander Nevsky cathedral was “possible”, the Holy Synod said, “but we would like to emphasise that any form of shared liturgical or prayer service, as well as wearing of liturgical garments, is unacceptable to us, as the holy canons do not allow this”

It added: “In this connection, the participation of the Patriarchal Choir is also impossible”.

In all other events of the draft programme that had been presented, the participation of representatives of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Patriarch was “impossible,” the Holy Synod said.

It resolved to tell Pecorari: “Regarding your suggestio
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